Wow, it's been about 6 months since the last entry and yes, there have been intentional meanderings happening. We arrived home from thte DR April 1st and were able to move back into our home, which had been rented out, by the 18th of the month. In the meantime we were warmly welcomed by our son and his family and then temporarily moved into Larry's sister's basement spare room.
In April we also made a road trip to BC to see our daughter and her husband and children and were astounded at how much children grow in six months. Actually it was more like eight months since we had seen the one year old and his vocabulary and expressions, as well as his ability to blow up balloons and blow bubbles convinced us that he would join the rest of our grandchildren in being super smart and gifted!
We were joined by our youngest son from Vancouver for a weekend getaway. It was a partial family "gathering" but that is the now generation, with family scattered here & there.
Larry and I shared some reno and painting projects this spring and summer, thoroughly enjoying working together, with transformations of houses resulting. Interestingly, these projects occurred in south Winnipeg, Hecla Island and near Winnipeg Beach. Lovely places to hang out in. Besides, mosquitoes were almost non-existent.
While Larry worked for family in the Swan Valley during seeding and harvest seasons, I was able to visit him several times, complete a 5 day TESOL Foundation course in Winnipeg (& two online specialization courses), hang out with two grand daughters in the city while their parents worked, do some house painting in Whytewold, and fly to BC again for a week to spend time with our daughter and family.
We had opportunity during the summer months to do our annual road trip to visit our Californian friends at their property in Minnesota and then touch base with a friend in Mpls for an overnighter. Our kids from BC (except for our youngest son) came for a visit early summer and as a family, we spent a weekend in the Whiteshell enjoying each other's company at a lodge with a pool and hottub (rainy & stormy all weekend!). Oh yes, we did a day trip back into the Whiteshell late summer to visit our Wpg kids at a cottage they were renting. So there has been some travel and great family bonding times.
This is an abbreviation of the living that went into this spring & summer. There were many highlights and the whole month of September was gloriously warm, after an unusually cool & wet summer. The garden has been emptied in preparation for the coming winter.
We are already anticipating our son's fall visit as he has developed the travel bug also and wants to go more global this next year. It will be a treat to have him here for a couple of weeks and catch up with all the changes in his life. Our winter plans are slowly taking shape and hopefully I can be more faithful in keeping up entries.